
Cherry Milkshake for those Cool Nights.

I have just come back from my Christmas, and i WILL post about it...because well it was AMAZING, with So much food.

My family went to Australia for the break and even though it is over, i was really craving a milkshake. They are the easiest and tastiest things. I have also been having a yogurt base, so its has a sharper taste but i feel much fresher.

It depends on who you are, but my amounts were
  • 1/3 thick turkish yogurt
  • 1 /3 vanilla ice cream
  • 1/3 cherry juice
It depends on who you are though, as you could add more ice cream to have it thicker, or juice to hvae it more sugary and thiner.

Now add it to a blender, or use a hand blend it and enjoy the tasty milkshake.

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