I have never really done this before, however this trip was really amazing and i think that at some point everyone should try to make it out to Iceland. Its not super cheap, but it is pretty great while nice people and amazing music. This is the coles notes version of an amazing 48 hours.
I didnt have much cash, so i decided to pitch a tent in the city, but 3 km away from the center.

I found out that it was that national birthday, so i quickly walked into town spotting this amazing steel viking boat perched ready to go out sailing.

While walking through the city, i got lost and ended up right near this massive church.

To scared to go to the top on the first day, i decided to look inside and listen to some great organ music that was being played.

I continued back into town and grabbed some lunch while watching some kids do backflips.

and then stopped by some older guys playing some great classic rock.

Needing another break from reading my great but gruesome book,
eating animals. Its really great, but i needed some loosning up, so this group which combined juggling and music did the trick.

It was all great, but not nearly as impressive as the breakdancing triplets. These kids are actually in one of the icelandic air commercials, and besides be really cute and identical...can actually dance.

I decided i needed some more music, so i walked deeper into town and found a choir of men singing in icelandic. Though i had no idea what they were singing about, these well dressed guys were great and exactly what i was in the mood for.

Finally i went back up to the hill so that i could listen to some louder music, as i had been up walking around since 5:30 am. It was pretty crowded.

It was pretty busy, but why wouldnt it be, it was
seabear was on stage. I had bought there CD earlier and am so glad i did.

I couldnt last much longer so went back to the tent getting ready for the next day. When i woke up, after 12 hours of much needed sleep i walked back into town. I found this great health food store and bought myself breakfast. A chicken fajita with corn and yam. So so tasty.

I kept walking about and managed to find some great street art.

I kept walking and walking so decided to get a cup of coffee. I was lucky and found the best coffee in iceland,
Kaffismiðja Íslands.

On a nice coffee rush i overtook my fear and went to the top of the top of the tour. No stairs, but the elevator took 45 seconds. I was in it alone, and it creaked a lot. But i got some nice pictures of the top.

I was feeling really good about myself, so before i went on a bike tour i decided i needed to eat something tasty. I went to
icelandic fish and chips. It was really good, and they use all organic stuff. Im still on the fence, but at least i feel better about eating organic than eating non organic. It was right beside the harbour.

bike tour was great. and though i cant tell you which one it is, but one of the houses below is bjorks. Id suggest it to anyone who visits iceland, they are super nice and i made some new friends on the trip.

Finally the night was upon us, so me and my new friends decided it was time to go to listen to some music, and drink some beer.

We started off at a show at a culture house. Three icelandic bands were playing, all of which were great. My favourite though was
no lo. They are really young and the music is perfect for summer.

After those bands had finshed playing, we needed something else to do for a few hours before my friends had to catch a plane. I had heard
gus gus (a band i had heard at distortion) was playing in town, so we stopped by to have a listen. I was starting to crash, but the music was good enough to get me psyched for the long walk home.

Well that was my 48 hours in iceland, and yes it was the coles notes version. Ill be back with some actual food posts very soon. I have just been so darn busy.