now this isnt the best burrito recipe out there, that is for sure. however i will tell you that it was utterly delicious. I ate two pretty big burritos for lunch today cause i was starving and this is how i made them.
i started by heating up some chili beans (i think red kidney beans) and making some brown rice.
i then layered the following on top of a tortilla
- lettuce
- corn
- beans
- brown rice
- salsa
- mozzarella cheese (italian boccocini style)

i folded it up and put it in a none stick pan, first folded side up with smaller lid putting pressure on top of burritos keeping them closed. then flipping and cooking for a couple more min before slicing in half and eating them.
i know other people would add other things, but this is what i had in the kitchen, so i hope you can create more. if you do make any great combos...please tell me.
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