so im sure there are a lot of artichoke dips out there, and well i would actually check a couple out to give you a few more ideas of ways to change it up, But my way that i did the artichoke dip was pretty simple, ohh and also because its what i had in my fridge.
Start off by getting a can of artichoke hearts. This was actually quite a mission in copenhagen, I had to stop at 2 places before i found the shop across the street sells them for cheapish. Oh well, so open the can and
- chop up all the hearts
- 1/2 cup of lemon mayonnaise
- 1/2 cup of creme fresh ( i wanted sour cream and need to use it all up)
- 3/4 cup of grated parm cheese
- some cheddar (because we had it)
- sprinkle of paprika
- ohh and because im on a craze for it a bit of tobasco sauce
Ohh i made these with pita chips which are really easy.
- slice of pita
- add some paprika or whatever seasoning you want
- some olive oil
- put in oven at 350 F for 10 min
Thanks for shharing