
corn/salami omlette

so the last thing that sam tried to make was an omelette and she said it was one of the worst things she had eaten in a while. Now i know its not that she cannot cook, but omelette can be tricky. You need to do them pretty simply, cause you can add too many flavours and they just dont work out. Im not a huge fan of too many greens in my omelette but that is usually cause i dont have any spinach to use.

So what did i added to this omelette?
  • diced salami
  • some left over sweet potatoes from last night
  • corn
  • salt/pepper
i mixed up three eggs and put into pan. than added the above foods.

I flipped it so it was a semi circle and that the inside was nice and soft but the outside was well cooked

Hope you enjoy

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